IEEE Fellows
– Mariagrazia Dotoli “for contributions to control of logistics systems in smart cities”
– Maria Pia Fanti “for contributions to modeling and control of discrete event systems”.
– Massimo La Scala “for his contributions to computationally efficient power system dynamic performance simulation and control”
– Saverio Mascolo “for contributions to modeling and control of congestion in packet networks”.

OSA Fellow
– Vittorio Passaro “for pioneering contributions in photonic micro-sensor development.”

Google Faculty Award
Google Faculty Award 2014 for designing a congestion control algorithm for real-time communication within the WebRTC framework to enable video conference among Web browsers.
- Principal investigator: S. Mascolo

Cisco Award
Cisco Award 2013 Funded by “Cisco University Research Program” managed by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation for Architecture for Robust and Efficient Control of Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over HTTP.
- Principal investigator: S. Mascolo